I never thought it could be possible for me to get sick of hearing my last name, but today I did. It just seemed like every five seconds kiddos were calling my name and/or tapping me. Ridiculous. I don't know how many times I have said that I can only talk to one person at a time. I need to have a CD that says that on repeat for some of my little bundles of joy. It wouldn't be so bad except that everyday I am assessing my kiddos on things like letter and number recognition, shapes, sorting.....yadda yadda yadda. It makes it extremely difficult for me to accurately assess the kids when their buddis keep coming up and asking me ridiculous questions. I have told them numerous times that I cannot talk to them while I am testing, but for some reason that never sticks. I am trying to think of something new that will get through to them...
As much as I complain, I truly do love what I do. I couldn't imagine doing anything else, well... maybe nursing but I think I will save that adventure for a rainy day. It is the little things that make it truly amazing. For instance, I have a handful of kiddos who I get onto everyday for the same thing. I try to give them positive reinforcement by rewarding them when I see them doing something good (bribery ALWAYS works!). What is crazy is that at the end of the day, it is that squirly group of kids that I harp on all of the time who give me the biggest hugs as they leave. Most of the time I am looking at my kiddos trying to remember that they are just babies who are basically the same age as my sister. That often times makes me rejoice for their crazy ways, because I couldn't imagine teaching my sister. Don't get me wrong. I love her to pieces, but she is crazy!
Last thing. I have to tell you a funny story from today: I have recess duty this week and at recess we try not to let the kids go inside for restroom breaks unless it is an emergency. Today one of the little girls came over and asked to go the restroom, so we gave her the speech; emergencies only. Then she looked one of the teachers straight in the eyes and said in her most mature manner, "Excuse me, I have to poop." Needless to say we let her go.
Gotta love it!
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