Monday, January 18, 2010

I made it!

Okay, here is the deal... I know I am late on my posts, but we currently do not have internet in our apartment yet. Whomp! Whomp! This is because everything run through the military takes on average about 10 times longer than it should. If you think I am kidding, guess again! Here is the shortened version of what is going on thus far:

1. I might have a job! I sent in my resume to the elementary school and there are two positions available for next year. That's right, next year. For the time being I can sub or act as an aid. Either one is totally okay with me, because I will be in the school and seeing how everything works. Also, there are several other positions 0pen at the Child Devel0pment Center which is really just the daycare/preschool. I am totally okay with whatever, as long as it is a job. If I don't have a job within 90 days I will be coming home, and I don't want that to happen after I have already been here living in Germany. It is gorgeous and amazing. People are so willing to work with you if you show them that you are trying to learn their language. It is a beautiful thing!

2. Today I get my installation pass which allows me to stay on post for 90 days. We have been getting a 24 hour pass since I landed. Pain in the butt! Especially because everytime you leave post you have to check in and out. Ridiculous considering that Mannheim is made up of three posts and everything is scattered among the three posts.

3. I have a phone now! A cell phone that is! Our phone is not working...Whomp! As soon as the phone starts working, then our internet will work. We are trying to get it all figured out.

Well I have to go now because I am using the public computer and I have a 15 minute time limit, of which I have already used some of it checking my email and bank account.

One gem so far.... Apparently Cy Fair ISD witheld some money from my paycheck so I recieved a large sum of money from them. Thank you Lord!!! It will come in handy in this expensive country!

1 comment:

  1. What an awesome provision from the Lord! Miss you friend...Hope you have a blast!
