Thursday, September 17, 2009

1st Parent/Teacher Conference

Today was interesting to say the least...

First, one of my little jewels was finishing her work at her table and she decided it would be a good idea to take my bucket of winning ways (This is our bribery system in kindergarten. If you are seen doing something good, then you receive a winning way. After a certain amount of winning ways you receive a reward; treasure chest, lunch with a friend...) I looked her straight in the eyes and told her to put down the winning ways, because they are only for teachers to hand out. She then looked at me and smiled, took the bucket and skipped away from me. The little toot deliberately disobeyed me. I was livid. I took her next door so I could settle down and she came back with tears and an apology. Crazy.

Second, at recess today we had a fight. That's right; kindergarten fight. All of the teachers are looking out and watching all of the kiddos playing, and all of a sudden two little boys take off at full throttle running straight for each other. We all rush over. In the meantime, one little boy (we will call him boy A) lunges and tackles the another boy down (we will call him boy B). Boy A sweeps Boy B's legs out from under him and then takes him by the collar and spins him around. It was crazy. It looked like he was a skilled fighter. It is one of those things that you would have to see to believe the insanity.

Third, and most important, I had my first parent/teacher conference. It went so much better than I had originally thought it would. It was one of those things that once we both were able to sit down and talk to each other, our nerves calmed and we realized we were on the same side. We both want what is best for the child, so all is well. I am so elated that I got my first conference out of the way, and that a potentially frightening situation was diluted and turned into a jubilee of sorts.

Whoo....I think I am getting sick :( That would just be awful if I made it through the entire week and waited to get sick on the weekend. I sure hope this nasty goes away!

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